Two color difference between UV printing aluminum veneer and color screen printing aluminum veneer

2020-11-29 15:28:19 宏铝建材 1888

What is the difference between UV printing aluminum veneer and silk screen printing aluminum veneer

First of all, UV printing aluminum veneer is a new technology, which does not need mold, that is, spray drying does not need baking, and the ink fastness is good. Party A only needs to provide patterns, but also can print 3D three-dimensional effect, with printing sizes of 1.2 * 1.5 m, 1.5 * 3 m, 1.3 * 2.5 m, 2 * 3 m, etc.

In order to save the mold cost, the traditional screen printing aluminum veneer can only print simple and regular patterns. After printing, it needs to be dried, the color is relatively monotonous, and the weather resistance is also relatively poor.

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如今UV打印技术发展迅速,不仅可以在塑料板木板玻璃泡沫板纸板等常规材料表面打印,也可以打印彩色铝单板,生产各种精密图案图形的铝单板幕墙天花,更是满足了各种装饰风格搭配。 UV打印铝板生产之前,你只需要提供高清矢量图案,图文,肖像,公司LOGO标志等代表公司文化的一切图形,都可以完美的打印在铝板上面,我们采用进口底漆和油墨,户外耐候性在15年左右。

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Aluminum pictures

UV printing aluminum veneer can make up for the defect that traditional aluminum curtain wall ceiling can only do single color paint. With the development of ink technology, laser printing or screen printing technology is now used to replace the old-fashioned self-adhesive barrier baking paint to form two-color aluminum veneer. UV direct spraying technology can achieve multiple colors, color patterns and other effects on one panel. But at present the price is too expensive. Traditional screen printing technology pattern can not be too complex, otherwise the more screen printing mold, the more expensive the price.

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