目前在装修市场比较流行的门窗格栅天花,受到越来越多人的追捧,I suggest that we find a manufacturer of aluminum building materials for production and installation. We should install professional grilles. The appearance is relatively flat. We don't need to cut off several grids。 The so-called door and window grille ceiling is nothing more than the installation on the lintel, or the office partition is often used, both ventilation and lighting.
During installation, the height shall be determined first, and the high horizontal line shall be snapped with ink fountain on the wall. The hanging bar shall be fixed on the top with iron expansion bolt, and the light steel keel shall be fixed below the hanging bar. The aluminum angle line shall be nailed along the horizontal line with cement nail, and the aluminum grid shall be placed on the ground for complete assembly Put the assembled grid ceiling above the aluminum angle iron, and tie the light steel keel with thin iron wire in the middle.
铝格栅与铝框架组合,安装后更具有设计独特、造型新颖的特点,格栅天花主骨和副骨顶部内向折边增强骨条的牢固度,主骨及副骨条可实地修剪,以配合不同场地的要求,修剪过的骨条仍可互相配合使用,主骨和副骨的端口构造考究,以使骨条的连接天衣无缝。 市场上的铝格栅生产厂家众多,产品质量参差不齐、鱼目混珠,因而在选择的时候也不能够马虎。
门窗栅天花也是是工程格栅的一种,生产厂家也越来越多,但是它要比普通方格栅更为动感前卫,装饰的效果比较新颖夺目。而且现在城市建筑物更为多元化,主题化,在个性化的建筑物室内空间上采用宏铝三角形格栅天花的话,则会显得比较通透大方。而且三角形铝格栅天花纵横交错,有极强的立体感。使用时可以用不同的" "广州宏铝U型槽铝格栅铝挂片天花吊顶等铝建材。